I must have said to you several times throughout the blogs I've written that I aim to write these blogs more frequently, but I never quite manage to. Since mid July I haven't really stopped working, but these past few days have had quite an effect on me, so I wanted to utilise this time to slow down and write.
I said to my partner yesterday that my heart needs a rest, and it couldn't be more true.
I suffer with anxiety, and in the last few days alone, I've had panic attacks on multiple occasions. Don't get me wrong, I'm ok as I write this; my anxiety is fairly minimal and the I'm having pretty rational thoughts, but I'm tired and I'm tired because my brain, body and heart have experienced severe stress repeatedly in a short space of time.
So much energy being exerted in a matter of minutes can make you very tired. For example, you go for a run, however long or short, after not having run for weeks and you return home feeling shattered with the energy you've had to use to complete it.
Well, the same applies to having a panic attack: it tires you out. Not to mention the part your mental health plays in it all. Usually, there is a trigger which prompts you into suddenly feeling riddled with fear and anxiety. I sincerely empathise with anybody who suffers with panic attacks because they are never enjoyable or remotely nice to experience.
I always try and tell myself that these moments of distress and panic can actually lead to greater clarity with regards to what triggers you. It will help you both process it and not see it as a negative occurrence.
I suppose the thing I wanted to emphasise in this blog is the importance of breathing and finding time to if you're particularly busy or overwhelmed. I particularly enjoy Pilates and recently, have taken to meditation. Both of which help me focus on breathing, connect to my body and reconnect with my truest sense of self.
I hope you each have a restful Sunday evening and I'll speak to you all very soon.
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
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