Thursday Love. X

It's Thursday and I'm excited that you're here!
As you guys know, I am an advocate for mental well being. Most of my blogs involve me sharing my thoughts and experiences in the hope that I can help others and myself.
I try and be proactive in my work: if I want to do something - I do it. Now that's not to say I do it right away... I mean it took me 3 years to perform part of my one woman show for a paying audience... but generally, I make things happen so that if I finish one project, I'm on to the next one shortly after.
Today I realised there was a handful of ambitions I have, and have had for some time, that I'd done nothing about. I admit, these ambitions are small, but they are ambitions none the less, and it took me talking to my friend (IYA BAB!) to realise that I hadn't done anything about them.
You can probably guess what came next...
I was on it straight away: sending emails, writing Facebook posts and generally putting plans in place to allow those ambitions to become my reality. It doesn't matter that they're small, what matters is I have decided to make them happen.
Sometimes making that first move, starting something completely new can feel daunting but I urge you to do it anyway, however challenging it may be! Even if that means holding someone's hand while you do it, even if it means rewriting an email 5 times... whatever! It is the most fulfilling and empowering feeling to know you have acted upon plans to achieve your ambition.
So, do you have anything you want to achieve? If you do, write a list of those things. It doesn't have to be a big list: it could be 1 thing! Write down what you want to achieve and put plans into action to make it happen.
Aside from my occasional break downs about a back-log of overthought thoughts, I'm doing quite well at the moment. I'm enjoying what each day has to offer and always trying to find the positives in any situation (even when it gets hard). For anyone achieving or trying to achieve this, firstly: good on you! Secondly, give Stacey Soloman's most recent book, 'Happily Imperfect' a read!
I'm comfortable in my body and soul, I'm MORE than happy to tell my anxiety to F off when I feel strong enough and I know who my support network are. BUT! I do not dismiss or ignore my dips, my episodes, etc. I try to embrace them! If I'm going to be anxious then my god, let's put the kettle on and discuss it - get it out in the open! If I'm feeling really emotional and can't hold back the tears, then I let them pour for as long as necessary and then have a really long sleep afterwards because crying is tiring!
We are only human so we can't feel strong all the time but I do think there is strength in accepting when we're not okay.
Thanks so much for tuning in and giving my blog a read! I'm welcoming suggestions for upcoming blogs, so if there are any questions you have or topics you'd like me to discuss simply leave a comment below or on my social media pages! 💛
Lots of love,
Rebecca x

It's Thursday and I'm excited that you're here!
As you guys know, I am an advocate for mental well being. Most of my blogs involve me sharing my thoughts and experiences in the hope that I can help others and myself.
I try and be proactive in my work: if I want to do something - I do it. Now that's not to say I do it right away... I mean it took me 3 years to perform part of my one woman show for a paying audience... but generally, I make things happen so that if I finish one project, I'm on to the next one shortly after.
Today I realised there was a handful of ambitions I have, and have had for some time, that I'd done nothing about. I admit, these ambitions are small, but they are ambitions none the less, and it took me talking to my friend (IYA BAB!) to realise that I hadn't done anything about them.
You can probably guess what came next...
I was on it straight away: sending emails, writing Facebook posts and generally putting plans in place to allow those ambitions to become my reality. It doesn't matter that they're small, what matters is I have decided to make them happen.
Sometimes making that first move, starting something completely new can feel daunting but I urge you to do it anyway, however challenging it may be! Even if that means holding someone's hand while you do it, even if it means rewriting an email 5 times... whatever! It is the most fulfilling and empowering feeling to know you have acted upon plans to achieve your ambition.
So, do you have anything you want to achieve? If you do, write a list of those things. It doesn't have to be a big list: it could be 1 thing! Write down what you want to achieve and put plans into action to make it happen.
Aside from my occasional break downs about a back-log of overthought thoughts, I'm doing quite well at the moment. I'm enjoying what each day has to offer and always trying to find the positives in any situation (even when it gets hard). For anyone achieving or trying to achieve this, firstly: good on you! Secondly, give Stacey Soloman's most recent book, 'Happily Imperfect' a read!
I'm comfortable in my body and soul, I'm MORE than happy to tell my anxiety to F off when I feel strong enough and I know who my support network are. BUT! I do not dismiss or ignore my dips, my episodes, etc. I try to embrace them! If I'm going to be anxious then my god, let's put the kettle on and discuss it - get it out in the open! If I'm feeling really emotional and can't hold back the tears, then I let them pour for as long as necessary and then have a really long sleep afterwards because crying is tiring!
We are only human so we can't feel strong all the time but I do think there is strength in accepting when we're not okay.
Thanks so much for tuning in and giving my blog a read! I'm welcoming suggestions for upcoming blogs, so if there are any questions you have or topics you'd like me to discuss simply leave a comment below or on my social media pages! 💛
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
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