Yeah, I know... there really have been 9 top things (and then some) to come out of 2020! I wanted to look back on this year with joy because lots of good things really have happened and I want to make sure I remember them as such.
So let's travel back to the start of the year and I will work my way through the positive things I'll be holding onto as we move into 2021!
1. I started off the year by going for a Moose brunch followed by bowling with some very dear friends of mine. I love them dearly and I had the best day being completely hyper and feeling fabulous in my mind and body. This definitely set me up for the rest of January which can be a struggle some years!

2. As a Christmas present to ourselves, Jas (my best mate) and I went to London to see Amelie and Waitress. It was a beautiful day and we had vegan Leon burgers which I really enjoyed. Quality time with Jas is always a treat and something I haven't took for granted this year.
3. I experienced what I can only describe as a career highlight whilst playing Princess Anna in February. Not only was this whole show one of the best show's I've ever been apart of, but to share such a special moment with this little girl, who just joined me on stage to make sure Anna was okay, well... my heart melted! Completely spontaneous, in the moment and rather beautiful.
4. A 24 hour experience, with a 48 hours fiasco before hand and 2 eager northerners wanting to impress at the Six the Musical open call in London... We didn't make the cut, but Don and Bobble did! As a result, myself and the exceptionally talented, Jenny McIntyre, wrote a 10 part comedy piece... yet to be performed in person because of rOnA!!!! One day Bobble, one day.
5. Not long before Lockdown and quite honestly the best day with two of the best people I know. It was truly special, for many reasons.
6. BACK TO THE FUTURE PREMIERED AT THE OPERA HOUSE IN MANCHESTER!! Not only did I have the pleasure of watching it a few times but I worked Front of House whilst it was on. A joy, from start to finish! I hope to see it again in London, when it's safe to of course.
7. Myself, Adam and Adam's parents went to the Yorkshire sculpture park! I met this lovely moo. This was the weekend before we found out we were going into Lockdown and a late celebration of Adam's 24th birthday. LOVELY!
8. Family time! This was for Mum's birthday. We rallied the troupes to make a birthday video for her and it was a truly lovely day. That is something I'm hugely grateful for this year - being able to spend more time with my family.
9. Ok so, something that I am really proud of this year is my commitment to moving my body and feeling stronger physically than I ever have before. A lot of that came about through working exercise into my daily routine, something I was too busy to do before Lockdown. So here is a picture that I took half way through the year and I do say so myself, I look happy and healthy!
10. One of the best meals, with excellent service and my favourite human sitting opposite me. This was a part of our day trip to York, somewhere I'd never been but had wanted to visit for some time. This was not long before something very special happened!

11. BLACKPOOL!! Need I say more? We went for a few days, I spent too much on a grab machine BUT I did end up winning a Leopard plush... called Tiger. Also, this is when that something special happened. 12. A wonderful trip to London, albeit slightly strange without a trip to the theatre. It was lovely to spend time with my Aunty Pauline who is one of the best people ever, especially on this Afternoon Tea Bus whilst taking in the sights of London! Gorgeous!!
13. Our 4th birthday at Blue Balloon Theatre was spectacular. Featured artists, original writing and opportunities for artists around the UK after what had already been a difficult year. I am beyond proud of what this team achieved and I can't wait to see what Blue Balloon does in 2021!
14. Featuring in Blue Balloon's 4th birthday week was Don and Bobble do Zoom... although it wasn't the original piece we wanted to premiere these two character's in, it was a barrel of laughs to create this piece with Jenny and I am really bloody proud of it!
15. I begun to share my poetry publicly and although I'd been tremendously scared to do it, once I did - it was a huge relief! What a joy it was to know how many people connected with it. It felt like a huge accomplishment and step in the right direction.
16. Two jobs I got during a time when jobs were the hardest thing to get! Both were hugely enjoyable and I learnt so much in a short space of time both about myself and how I work and how resourceful I am (with my Mum's help, of course). It was important to me this year to keep working and creating content despite what was going on and I most certainly did that.
17. I started running at the beginning of all of this madness and who knew that just a few months later in November, I'd run 10km! It was a huge deal for me, having thought I'd never get into running. I have found such happiness in and love for running that I don't think I could ever go back! This was taken not long after I'd finished, in the middle of Heaton Park, one of my favourite places!
18. I became a YouTuber! I've put so much time and energy into filming, editing and posting content and I've enjoyed every second. I love editing - I find it so calming and I enjoy creative videos about things I am passionate about. I certainly hope that comes across and if you have watched any one of the videos I've posted this year - thank you! Let's keep going.
19. I was fortunate enough to perform in Panto this year. It was back at Tarvin Sands, which I would now consider to be my second home! These people in the picture and those who worked off stage at Tarvin, worked together to do one thing: to give people a wonderful show after a rubbish year! I think we did just that and in the meantime, we made each other howl in the dressing room.
20. Me and Hetty had a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by those we love and with really full bellies. I don't know about you, but every card and present made me smile in some way or another. It was lovely to know that so many people care and are thinking about you despite the difficulties we have all had to face. I am hugely grateful.
We have dealt with the unimaginable this year and we've each had to make sacrifices and adapt to this new way of living. I'll be the first to admit that I've struggled mentally and it's only now that I look back on my year and say, "ruddy hell! I really was in a bad way."
I do believe though that every ounce of positivity and goodness that has come from this year has been appreciated to no end and certainly more than it would have been pre-Lockdown.
I've learnt about myself, about my ability. I've further my skills and learnt new ones. I've found the purest and most sincere kind of love in Adam and that has seen me through some really dark times. I've moved my body because it makes me happy and because I enjoy it, not because I need to lose weight or change my body shape. I've accepted things about myself that I've struggled with in the past. I'm thinking about the near future and making creative plans but not as obsessively because I now enjoy having chilled days. Me... enjoying chilled days?! Who knew!
I am grateful for 2020 and what it has given me and I am proud of myself for making the best of a bad situation.
I'm also proud of you, yes you! You've made it through this year and your moving forward. You're amazing.
Keep finding the positives in whatever you do and Happy New Year to you when it arrives.
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
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