Letting go of what doesn't serve you!


How easy do you find it to let go of something that causes you anxiety, stress or anger? 

I find it tremendously difficult sometimes!

This blog is all about letting go of what doesn't serve you and what is making you feel and think negatively.

As a person, I wear my heart of my sleeve and I interpret things very literally. This isn't a bad thing, it just means that, to me, communication and clarity is really important. Not being direct or receiving information directly, can sometimes leave my mind somewhat chaotic, which of course, is heightened dependent on what mood I'm in and where my hormones are at. It's not a great feeling when the worry or anxiety lingers because I truly feel like I can't concentrate on anything properly without replaying conversations in my mind or fretting over what's to come.

If you're reading this and thinking, "Woah! This is me!" then remember this:

If somebody doesn't want to communicate with you clearly even when you have... that is NOT your problem. Let go - because that anxiety you're feeling: it's not serving you. 

This could be in one of your relationships, either romantic or platonic, this could be in a professional sense or it could be in another way perhaps. The point is, you can't live your life with worry, anxiety, fear or negativity because you're waiting for somebody to communicate with you. 

So that's the first thing. 

This year has been tough for pretty much everyone, let's not deny it. Along with Coronavirus, Lockdown and all the complications and safety measures that have come with it, it's left us all in a state of not knowing what could happen, one day to the next. 

If we sit and think about it for too long and or watch the news too much and or check our bank accounts every day, it all becomes TOO MUCH!

Look at it this way - a lot of these things in relation to COVID aren't in our control. Do something about what you can control and let go of anything else: it's not serving you. 

Understandably so, the pandemic halted life as we knew it and our mental health's have suffered, but we can't spend each day not living our lives even with restrictions. 

Granted, we do have to live our lives in our homes a lot more at the moment and make sure we put those safety precautions in place for ourselves and others when we go out, but there are still so many things to be positive about. 

When I got up this morning, I threw on some clothes and went straight out for a walk in the park and aside from a few nature photographs I took, I put my phone in my pocket with my 4G turned off. That was wonderful. I was moving my body, I felt calm and content and I was outside, surrounded by nature which I always find soothing for a busy mind.

Turning my focus inward and making that choice to do what would fuel my soul this morning has meant I've actually had a very good day today and I've chosen to do things because I want to and because they will bring me joy.

I don't know about you but if Lockdown has taught me anything, it's taught me that money is not everything. Of course, we do need money to live, but those moments of pure joy and happiness have come from human connection or doing something that makes you happy and being completely in the moment while you do it. 

Last but no means least, I want to address that little voice in your head... or maybe it's just in mine - who knows?

I'm talking about doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, negativity. That inner voice that tells you you can't do things, you're not worthy of happiness, you're not good enough or that generally dictates what you should or shouldn't do. 

Do. Not. Give. It. The. Time. Of. Day. 

Listening to that voice when you're having a bad day, will not serve you and it may be hard, but you have to try and let go of that negativity. 

Acknowledge your headspace. Acknowledge how you feel. Honour those. If you need a day to be with yourself, for yourself, that's absolutely fine and you don't have to justify that to anybody. But do not let that voice in your head affect you further, find that inner strength and say no. 

You're allowed to have bad days, but don't talk down to yourself. You deserve empathy and compassion, even from yourself. 

I'm sure, like me, you can recall dozens of instances where you held onto something for all the wrong reasons when really you should have let it go. It's difficult, especially if it involves something or someone you care about (trust me, I'm still trying to let go of sh*t that doesn't serve me from like, 6 or 7 years ago) but think how much calmer and happier you will be when you return to this present moment, unburdened.

All we can do is try.

Sending you so much warmth and positivity. 

Lots of love, 

Rebecca x


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