Isolation Diary ~ Part Nine
I'm so pleased your here. Partly because I wanted to write a blog and share my thoughts with you on a day where I feel quite tired both mentally and physically and partly because, my blog has had a makeover!
Let's just bask in the glow of this new design for a second, hehe!
So, what's happened since we last spoke?
The Government gave the arts a £1.57 billion support package - what immense progress! Although the overall impact of COVID-19 on the arts has been huge and will take some time to repair, the support package will help us drastically and so I feel significantly more hopeful about the future than I did a few weeks ago.
Black Lives Matter! Be aware that this movement is still very much happening even though there may be less on social media. Keep watching, reading, listening and learning from your Black friends, family and peers. Amplify their voices!
It is now mandatory to wear face masks in shops... and why the Government have only just made that decision is truly beyond me!
Gradually, Lockdown is easing and I for one am glad and hope we all continue to stay safe and aware when we are out and about in the coming months.
On a personal level, I've discovered lots, gained some clarity, worried endlessly about things that truly don't need my attention, worried endlessly about things that truly do need my attention and have come to a place of wondering what's next?
I'm in a fortunate position to have trusted contacts with whom I can work with on local outdoor theatre projects. I have my own theatre company acting as a platform for me and so many who want to develop and showcase work and luckily, we can still work from home on online projects and events. I have a plan of action when it comes to part-time work aside from acting and although I'm finding it hard to get the ball rolling, I know I will get there - I'm accepting that this a slow and gradual change. I'm exercising daily in some way or another. Admittedly, I've done less today but you know what? If all I can do today is 30 minutes then so be it. I'm lucky enough to have cat cuddles most days when Hettie wants to play ball and my Mum, who is without doubt, Wonder Woman!
Although in my mind things seem to fluctuate in certainty and clarity, I have so much deep-rooted certainty and goodness in my life right now and as I move forward. For the life of me, I'm not sure when I last reminded myself of that!
Establishing a level of trust within yourself is crucial. That's how you can come to making a decision and choose the best option for yourself without overthinking the consequences of it, even if the consequences are good.
With regards to COVID, being cautious and self-aware is important and necessary. In aiming for your goals and working toward the lifestyle you want, cautiousness specifically is detrimental. My motto has always been, "If you want something, go and get it." The more you analyse, I think, the less likely you are to act on your impulse to do something.
It's with that in mind, I'd like to recommend this TED talk:
Anyway, I feel lighter for writing this. I'm aware that my mental health is fragile and that's okay. I know that although I have re-centred my focus, my mind will continue to throw curve balls in the way and to that I say, bring it the f*ck on! I look forward to and want to embrace what's to come with open arms, as we all must.
Continue to be kind to yourself.
Allow yourself time to step back and restore focus.
Most importantly, remember that if you want something, you have the ability to go and get it.
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
P.S. There are now links in the menu bar of my blog to my various social media's if you're new to my blog and want to see and hear more from me!
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