Isolation Diary ~ Part Four


I've had so much on my mind the past few days. I can't stop thinking about the time we spend with ourselves and how it will never compare to time spent with others. We spend the most amount of time in our own company, with our own minds, thinking the thoughts we think.

That's mad isn't it! We listen to our internal monologue all the time. Of course, it'll be broken up by chatting aloud to friends and loved ones or perhaps being so elated that you're completely in the moment and not 'stuck in your head'. Those are beautiful moments. Soon after, we'll find our inner voice, resuming it's usual volume, saying, "That was great, I wish that didn't have to end. I'm going to crash now and eat a full bar of Dairy Milk." ...Or maybe that's just me!

I've found myself struggling, and although I'm fine coping with Lockdown and being isolated in that sense, I've felt isolated mentally. That downward spiral led me to feelings of inadequacy and of unworthiness. Of course, seeking comfort in those I love helped tremendously. To address those problematic feelings meant a weight was lifted and so I felt gratitude and clarity. 

Bad days happen, negative thoughts happen and I, along with so many other people, may experience them on a regular basis but we each find our own way of batting those balls of negativity away. Essentially, you, knowing your own strength and the amount of power you have over the thoughts you give time to: take control and allow yourself the possibility to let go of negativity and be positive. 

Being positive is something I find comes from within. I can count on others to help me at times I need reminding of reality, of what's to be proud of or look forward to or of my support network of beautiful people but the bottom line is, happiness and positivity comes from me and the choices I make. 

This got me on to thinking about validation. 

I do a lot off my own back because I want to, because that brings me joy and happiness and in doing so, that brings others joy and happiness: win win! 

I appreciate those who feedback, because not only am I my own biggest critic, but other people hear me and perceive me in a completely different way than I will myself. If they have taken time to give me constructive feedback, I experience gratitude: it means a lot to me. It helps me move forward, fine tune my skills and ultimately: progress! 

The ultimate validation for an actor would be an award like an Oscar for example, in which case: your work and skill is recognised as being top notch and people have noticed and want to commend you for it. But those actors who receive awards never expect that; they just humbly say thank you and crack on.

The definition of validation according to the Cambridge Dictionary in this sense is: 

'the feeling that other people approve of and accept you, or something that gives you this feeling'

In many instances of life, we have all experienced the want or need for validation. It can help you academically, socially, mentally. It's a brilliant thing in many respects. 

But I can almost guarantee we have all experienced the want or need for validation because of insecurities, lack of confidence or self belief. 

Now I gave this some thought and knew, with confidence, that I don't do things, share things or say things to actively receive validation. I do, share and say because I've already validated myself. It is to do with self belief and confidence in my ability but more importantly, it's because it makes me happy, truly and wholeheartedly. The reason I share singing videos on social media, is because it makes me happy and helps my soul mend. The reason I write blogs, is because it makes me happy and it expands my mind. The reason I post a #SmoothieTimeWithBecca on Instagram most days, is because I bloody love fruit and how smoothies make my body feel. 

I, as a person, as an actor, as a creative, know my skill set, know what I can do and do well, know what truly lights my soul on fire with happiness and joy and THAT is why I don't actively seek validation in what I do day to day. Thinking about it now, it's because of this that the stability of my moods has improved. I'm happy, or at least able to find the positives in negative situations a lot, lot more. 

A glorious thing. Honestly, I just want to DO all the time and I do DO all the time (with some rest, obviously: I realise I'm not a Duracell Bunny!). In isolation, it's been a god send! 

My message to you is don't rely on anybody but yourself for validation. Believe you can and you will. If you feel like you're unable to validate yourself, ask yourself why and take steps to altering your mindset because you are capable of that and soon, you might be able to find an inner state of happiness and contentment with yourself and who you are. You have something uniquely beautiful to offer this world, but more importantly, recognise for yourself.

Stay home, stay safe and stay positive! 

Lots of love, 

Rebecca x

P.S. If you haven't already, go and watch The World According To Jeff Goldblum on Disney+! 


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