Isolation Diary ~ Part One


Day 12 in the Big Brother house... oh sorry, IN ISOLATION!

You know, the day I can go to Costa or Pret and get a Soy Vanilla Latte again will be a glorious one! 

This week, a full week in isolation, has actually been okay for the most part, it's been quite positive... apart from yesterday when every tiny thing made me want to cry/break something. 

I've been learning music theory, from the very beginning! Something I've wanted to do for years, literally. Everything I've ever learnt musically has just been on the job or shared knowledge from my peers so I wanted to fill in the gaps. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would if I'm honest; I love music, I love singing and now I'm starting to understand the theory of it - yay! 

"What else have I been up to?" I hear you ask! Well, I've been binge listening to the Off Menu podcast with Ed Gamble and James Acaster (my favourite podcast... would strongly recommend). I'd like to draw specific attention to Dynamo, the Magician, and how in his episode he explained his love for iced fingers from Greggs which is essentially bread with icing. My respect for that man immediately multiplied. 

I've also just gotten really excited that I've used up the last of my moisturiser tub, because I'm now going to be resourceful, where I would usually just go to Boots and spend 20 or so pounds on a new tub! I'm using a cheaper alternative which I already had at home. Still cruelty free, still light on my skin (Ordinary... check it out, I LOVE IT!) and I feel really happy about it. Who knew: Isolation is saving me money! 

I've begun to use this time to challenge myself. I've been singing and practising new songs most days and I made the decision to post covers to YouTube! Something that, in my teens, I used to do but stopped! 

For anyone who knows me, you know I'll sing in front of anyone, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I love it and that (I hope) comes through when I sing! So it makes no sense that when it comes to uploading videos to YouTube, I am only re-sparking the flame of doing them NOW?! It is right about now that I remind myself that I am capable and fabulous! Positive affirmations!! 

SHAMELESS PLUG! Here's my latest cover: 


What I love more than anything about being in lock down/isolation is seeing how artists, like myself, have taken to being creative and using their initiative to keep busy and most importantly, stay positive! Kudos to all of you. X

I hope that in the coming weeks this united feeling amongst us remains, we continue to support our NHS, who are doing an incredible job, and we keep each other going in whatever form that takes! We're all in this together. 

Lots of love, 

Rebecca x


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