Lucky number 24.


On this beautifully rare sunny summer's day in Manchester, I wanted to say hello! How are you? 

I turned 24 this week! 24 is one of my lucky numbers too - the year ahead is already looking promising. In all honesty though, my 23rd year on this planet was a challenging one and I'm glad to have learnt and experienced what I did to make this year truly special. 

So you know the drill, you can only read this blog with a brew in hand and I will effectively share what's going on in my life and mind with complete honesty. Let's go!

I'm currently performing in Dracula: The Blood Count of Heaton at Heaton Park. Very close to home and what a joy it has been so far. The team are just incredible - genuinely. Already I feel that this experience has broken me down, taking me back to my foundations as a performer and built me back up to be even more fearless and collaborative than before. It's exhilarating! 

In other parts of my life, my anxiety has reared it's head but in a very new way. I often feel that my anxiety comes when I'm a jump away from something new or I'm growing out of something. Both of these anxieties aren't bad in any way, and I keep reminding myself of this. I know that, in this instance, I'm experiencing both but most importantly I'm beginning to let go of something that doesn't help or benefit me - LIFE LESSON NUMBER ONE! New, weird, exciting experiences, whatever you may call them, have to be taken one day at a time. Yes, letting go of something that once gave you comfort can be really difficult, but acknowledging your growth and need for something greater is empowering. I urge you to be brave!

Even writing that has triggered something in my mind that I almost wish it hadn't but it's there, I've acknowledged it and I want to be brave! 

Admittedly, I think past months have really affected my self-esteem and worth which has subsequently played a part in  the amount of anxiety I feel now. So, this is for myself and for everybody who reads this blog: 

You are enough. 
You are worthy. 
You deserve love and happiness. 

My mission for the rest of today is to radiate the love and gratitude I want to receive... and to do have a really smashing show tonight! 

Love to you all: stay focused, stay well. 

Lots of love,

Rebecca x


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