An actor's life for me!
Today I finished an acting job.
I worked alongside the education department at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool to tell KS2 children, with varying backgrounds and abilities, about Leonardo Da Vinci. I played Leda, who he sketched... Queen of the Spartans... cool, right?
I found a lot of fulfillment in this job. I had fun, I connected with the team I was working with and I learnt to respond to children's spontaneity in the blink of an eye: invaluable.
T.I.E. isn't the be sniffed at. It teaches you how to listen, improvise and truly be in the moment. Key components of being an actor.
But as I sit in the Royal Court Theatre in Liverpool, drinking my Vanilla Latte, my thoughts move toward what's next.
The unpredictability of this lifestyle means that I don't know what's next. I've spent 5 weeks in work, that I've loved and on my days off, although I've relaxed, I've still been busy - visiting other cities, watching theatre, living etc.
Another actor could have 'major post show blues' if they were in my shoes but honestly, I'm rarely burdened by them because I'm too much of a forward thinker. If I don't know when I'll next be working, I'll go out and make my own. Simple.
For the moment, I am quite content. Although my moods fluctuate dependent on how hungry I am, I am content. I made a promise to myself at the start of the year to get paid for what I love to do and so far, my promise has been kept. Of course working in a normal job too; sustaining those pennies but much less than before.
It was an important decision and an effective decision: actively choosing to take that leap of faith, not replying on a steady source of income but investing time, energy and more passion that ever into what you love. Being an actor gives me a creative drive that I have never found in anything else, so I want to nurture that. Perhaps if I do it enough, it'll seep through my poors when I perform - that'd look mint!! Well... here's hoping anyway!
Until the next time...
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
Today I finished an acting job.
I worked alongside the education department at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool to tell KS2 children, with varying backgrounds and abilities, about Leonardo Da Vinci. I played Leda, who he sketched... Queen of the Spartans... cool, right?
I found a lot of fulfillment in this job. I had fun, I connected with the team I was working with and I learnt to respond to children's spontaneity in the blink of an eye: invaluable.
T.I.E. isn't the be sniffed at. It teaches you how to listen, improvise and truly be in the moment. Key components of being an actor.
But as I sit in the Royal Court Theatre in Liverpool, drinking my Vanilla Latte, my thoughts move toward what's next.
The unpredictability of this lifestyle means that I don't know what's next. I've spent 5 weeks in work, that I've loved and on my days off, although I've relaxed, I've still been busy - visiting other cities, watching theatre, living etc.
Another actor could have 'major post show blues' if they were in my shoes but honestly, I'm rarely burdened by them because I'm too much of a forward thinker. If I don't know when I'll next be working, I'll go out and make my own. Simple.
For the moment, I am quite content. Although my moods fluctuate dependent on how hungry I am, I am content. I made a promise to myself at the start of the year to get paid for what I love to do and so far, my promise has been kept. Of course working in a normal job too; sustaining those pennies but much less than before.
It was an important decision and an effective decision: actively choosing to take that leap of faith, not replying on a steady source of income but investing time, energy and more passion that ever into what you love. Being an actor gives me a creative drive that I have never found in anything else, so I want to nurture that. Perhaps if I do it enough, it'll seep through my poors when I perform - that'd look mint!! Well... here's hoping anyway!
Until the next time...
Lots of love,
Rebecca x
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