World Mental Health Day



Tea is of paramount importance... always. Lol.

So, World Mental Health Day!

I skimmed through my other blog posts before writing this one and realised that I speak a lot about mental health and how I deal with it as a person and as an actor.

My blog is one of the ways I deal with it.

The most humbling part of all this is that friends, family and complete strangers take something, maybe comfort, maybe positive energy, from my blogs into their day. That has become something very important to me.

In this blog I wanted to address what I am planning to do rather than the current state of my mental health. I felt this would be more beneficial for me and for anyone reading it.

I am not ignoring my mental state, I am choosing to try and improve it. 

  1. I love blogging and I want to do more of it! I want to tell you more about my acting journey and I want to write frequently rather than once every 6 weeks. I'm excited for this to happen! 
  2. Last week a wrote down a list of goals that I would like to achieve. I don't have a time limit and it didn't matter to me how big or small they are: I know I want to achieve these goals! Writing them down, acknowledging them has given me an even greater can-do attitude than usual, which is awesome because I'm gonna need lots of that if I want to achieve these goals (which I will)! 
  3. I want to drink more tea and more smoothies because tea and smoothies make me happy, I don't know why but maybe I don't need to know why! 
  4. I want to spend more time visiting/video calling/boogieing with friends. 
I work to much in my opinion.


So... Finish the blog as you mean to go on gal...

I started rehearsals for a play called 'The Cycle' yesterday, a play about domestic abuse and it's affects on the relationship of a young couple. The play will be performed in Manchester during late November.

Once I finish that job, I will have a couple of days to rest and learn lines and then I'll be off to prance about the stage in Panto!

I'm excited, I'm really excited and I'm really really excited to be sharing this with you.

Hope you enjoyed your brew.

Lots of love,

Rebecca x


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