Happy 1 year!
Facebook memories really are a glorious thing! Without them, I wouldn't have even realised that it's been a year since my first blog post. CRAZY!!
I just want to take a second to thank everyone who has read any/all/a few of my blog posts in that year! You're fab!
So much has happened in one year and I wouldn't change any of it. I've learnt from those experiences, both good and bad. In this blog, I just wanted to discuss a handful of things that have been relevant to me in the last year or even in the last couple of weeks:
Health/Mental Health/Well Being
The last two weeks has been a bloomin' nightmare in my head. I feel like my anxiety has made an island in the middle of my brain, drinking cocktails of doom with little umbrella's in!!!
I get anxious about being anxious which leads to frustration which leads to a panic attack or crying throughout the day!
I get anxious about being anxious which leads to frustration which leads to a panic attack or crying throughout the day!

I've been frustrated about aspects of my physical health, which has subsequently affected my mental health. I didn't talk about it for a good while, I didn't do anything about it for a good while and now I am having to go for a sprint rather than a stroll to get to where I need and want to be.
With the help of my Mum, I have been able to action plan exactly what I am going to do and realised that it is not a mountain to climb, like my brain thinks it is, it's just a minor bump in the road.
We can all deal with bumps in the road, we do it on a daily basis.
Money does not equal happiness.
That's all I have to say on that.
When I have a free minute, I create.
When I'm sad, euphoric, angry, content, I create.
When I think I can't do something, I create.
Actors who create their own work, will never be out of work.
I am so passionate about performing and creating that not being in a paid acting role does not faze me, in any way. It's part of the parcel of this profession! I also appreciate Blue Balloon now more than I ever have (my theatre company) because anything I do create, I can showcase in an instant, with my best mate. 👍
Don't let self-doubt stop you from doing what you love, ever!
Don't overwork yourself!
Do the best you are capable of, always, but know when it's time to switch off.
I desperately need to take my own advice.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my antics for the past year and I hope you enjoy what's to come!
Lots of love,
Rebecca xxx
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