Even though there are millions of other things I could be doing right now, I'm choosing to write this blog about love and all things surrounding it. It'll be short and sweet (like me...lol), but I hope it resonates with some, if not all of you.
This past week has been exceptionally difficult for me. I have been a complete bag of nerves, I've struggled to go about my daily business without a severe amount of anxiety, my skin has completely broken out because of it and I've generally not felt myself mentally or physically.
Now, we cannot forget that this week is Valentine's week! Social media has been taken over by status's, photos and comments expressing love and happiness. That, in itself, is a wonderful thing - what with social media being exceedingly influential on today's society!
More happy news feeds please!!! 😊😊😊
For some, like myself, this week may have been really tough regardless of Valentine's Day. Despite all the love in the air, my mental health was definitely having a bad time. However, and this is where I come to the important part of this blog, there are certain people that really got me through this week with the love the love they have shown me:
My Mum: Goes without saying really, that Mum's know best, but what you don't understand is that my Mum is LITERALLY Wonder Woman! She knows me better than I know myself and without her, I'd be quite frankly, lost in my own head! I have nothing but love and admiration for her. Thank you for staying by my side through the hard times and the good and loving me unconditionally.
My Best Mates: Those two know exactly who they are because I speak to them at least 5 times a day, if not more! Always there to support me with love and honesty regardless of the time, place or situation. They are beautiful people, seriously! I have to pinch myself sometimes that I have friends like that and equally, they know I would be there for them in a heartbeat. I love you both incredibly.
And last but by no means least; My Boyfriend:
Barmy as a fruitcake, spontaneous and caring in nature, hilarious beyond belief and giver of the best hugs... EVER!
It's so easy for me to question quite literally anything and everything, but I've learnt through you to accept them for what they are and when I felt like I was close to falling apart, you kept me calm and held my hand. Thank you, ya dafty! 💕
You can't even see love, and yet you know when it's there.
It might make you feel warm and happy inside or make your heart beat faster but remember that love is powerful, love heals and love always wins!
Thanks for reading this blog post.
Lots of love,
Rebecca xxx
Even though there are millions of other things I could be doing right now, I'm choosing to write this blog about love and all things surrounding it. It'll be short and sweet (like me...lol), but I hope it resonates with some, if not all of you.
This past week has been exceptionally difficult for me. I have been a complete bag of nerves, I've struggled to go about my daily business without a severe amount of anxiety, my skin has completely broken out because of it and I've generally not felt myself mentally or physically.
Now, we cannot forget that this week is Valentine's week! Social media has been taken over by status's, photos and comments expressing love and happiness. That, in itself, is a wonderful thing - what with social media being exceedingly influential on today's society!
More happy news feeds please!!! 😊😊😊
For some, like myself, this week may have been really tough regardless of Valentine's Day. Despite all the love in the air, my mental health was definitely having a bad time. However, and this is where I come to the important part of this blog, there are certain people that really got me through this week with the love the love they have shown me:
My Mum: Goes without saying really, that Mum's know best, but what you don't understand is that my Mum is LITERALLY Wonder Woman! She knows me better than I know myself and without her, I'd be quite frankly, lost in my own head! I have nothing but love and admiration for her. Thank you for staying by my side through the hard times and the good and loving me unconditionally.
My Best Mates: Those two know exactly who they are because I speak to them at least 5 times a day, if not more! Always there to support me with love and honesty regardless of the time, place or situation. They are beautiful people, seriously! I have to pinch myself sometimes that I have friends like that and equally, they know I would be there for them in a heartbeat. I love you both incredibly.
And last but by no means least; My Boyfriend:
Barmy as a fruitcake, spontaneous and caring in nature, hilarious beyond belief and giver of the best hugs... EVER!
It's so easy for me to question quite literally anything and everything, but I've learnt through you to accept them for what they are and when I felt like I was close to falling apart, you kept me calm and held my hand. Thank you, ya dafty! 💕
You can't even see love, and yet you know when it's there.
It might make you feel warm and happy inside or make your heart beat faster but remember that love is powerful, love heals and love always wins!
Thanks for reading this blog post.
Lots of love,
Rebecca xxx

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