Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week is upon us and I wanted to write this blog because throughout the last couple of weeks, my brain has been working over time and I want to try and give it the well deserved holiday it needs (I'm thinking Lanzarote!).

From the moment I've woken up to the minute my head has hit my pillow at night, my mind has been overflowing with fleeting thoughts and a cloud of negative dreariness (ugh, no one needs that cloud)! I've really struggled to cover it up too, which has meant me probably coming across as a miserable biatch to people I care about. I've felt lethargic and lacked my usual sparky energy that drives me through the day.
One thing I've been able to do, however, is realise that this is OKAY!
I will 100% admit that I am on a journey of self-acceptance and I will 100% admit that I have really bad days in the process. BUT, it is so easy for us to think that our bad days define us. I know I certainly felt this way just a matter of months ago. It is important to realise now, right now, that this is definitely not the case.
Ask yourself how your day has been? Did anything good happen? Did anything bad happen? How did you deal with it? If you could have dealt with it better, how would you do that? Can you move on from it? Do the positives outweigh the negatives? Do the negatives outweigh the positives?
This may seem like a lot to ask yourself, and believe me, there are times when this has been the last thing I've wanted to do. It's only by asking yourself these questions and reflecting on experiences that you can better your decisions and judgements, you start to think rationally and differentiate the good and the bad.
It is tough; you do have to have a level of discipline in order to overcome depression or anxieties or whatever mental health issues you have but believe in yourself and see what you can achieve if you try. I promise you - bad days do not define you at all.
I did something I wouldn't normally do yesterday and I posted on Instagram that I needed to talk because I felt very low. I was so surprised (I don't know why) that within about 3 hours I had received several messages from different friends and people I love offering a chat, a phone call and support. And I tell you what, I felt so much LOVE and so much BETTER for speaking to them.
You are not alone in what you may be going through and sometimes you have to be really brave and talk about it.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
So like I said, I'm on this journey of self-acceptance and I feel through writing this that I've accepted the little dark patch I'm currently experiencing and maybe helped one of you lovely readers in accepting yours. That's what I hope anyway.
We will win this!

Lots of love,
Rebecca x
Mental Health Week is upon us and I wanted to write this blog because throughout the last couple of weeks, my brain has been working over time and I want to try and give it the well deserved holiday it needs (I'm thinking Lanzarote!).

From the moment I've woken up to the minute my head has hit my pillow at night, my mind has been overflowing with fleeting thoughts and a cloud of negative dreariness (ugh, no one needs that cloud)! I've really struggled to cover it up too, which has meant me probably coming across as a miserable biatch to people I care about. I've felt lethargic and lacked my usual sparky energy that drives me through the day.
One thing I've been able to do, however, is realise that this is OKAY!
I will 100% admit that I am on a journey of self-acceptance and I will 100% admit that I have really bad days in the process. BUT, it is so easy for us to think that our bad days define us. I know I certainly felt this way just a matter of months ago. It is important to realise now, right now, that this is definitely not the case.
Ask yourself how your day has been? Did anything good happen? Did anything bad happen? How did you deal with it? If you could have dealt with it better, how would you do that? Can you move on from it? Do the positives outweigh the negatives? Do the negatives outweigh the positives?
This may seem like a lot to ask yourself, and believe me, there are times when this has been the last thing I've wanted to do. It's only by asking yourself these questions and reflecting on experiences that you can better your decisions and judgements, you start to think rationally and differentiate the good and the bad.
It is tough; you do have to have a level of discipline in order to overcome depression or anxieties or whatever mental health issues you have but believe in yourself and see what you can achieve if you try. I promise you - bad days do not define you at all.
I did something I wouldn't normally do yesterday and I posted on Instagram that I needed to talk because I felt very low. I was so surprised (I don't know why) that within about 3 hours I had received several messages from different friends and people I love offering a chat, a phone call and support. And I tell you what, I felt so much LOVE and so much BETTER for speaking to them.
You are not alone in what you may be going through and sometimes you have to be really brave and talk about it.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
So like I said, I'm on this journey of self-acceptance and I feel through writing this that I've accepted the little dark patch I'm currently experiencing and maybe helped one of you lovely readers in accepting yours. That's what I hope anyway.
We will win this!

Lots of love,
Rebecca x
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